Smart Cache Loader Features
Major features of Smart Cache Loader:
Design goals
- Non graphical
- Non interactive
- Overkill configurable
- Portability (uses Java 1.5)
Data storage for downloaded pages
- null - do not store, used for proxy preloading.
- local - write pages to filesystem
- scache - used when working with Smart Cache
Priority based queue
- URL in queue can have different priority by type, size, …
- Servers can have different priority
Fetch actions
- do not download
- download but do not parse html code
- send request, but do not wait for any data
- classic full download
- fastclose - if data are not parseable, close connection
- nosave - do not save it
Update actions
- if object exists, do not re-download it
- for cache reload of specified object
- update object if older than XX hours
- do not reparse saved html on disk
- forced update
Target categories
- world - any server
- known - any server in configuration file
- file from the same server
- file from the same location (directory+subdirs)
- file from subdirectory
- update object if older than XX hours
- forced update
- You can define multiple location of the same data for avoiding duplicate download
- Can define short name for server for use from command line.
- URL mask with possible striping before comparing
- File extension mask
- Source HTML tag mask
- Target selection mask